Alternative Loan

The alternative loan, the right solution for you!

Are you going through a difficult financial period? Is your bank refusing to renew your mortgage or do you need to reset your debts? Would you like to refinance your mortgage, or has your loan become too expensive due to current interest rates?

Prêt alternatif/alternative loan - Immobissimo : image d'une famille avec leur petit garçon dans leur nouvelle maison
Prêt alternatif/if/alternative loan - Immobissimo: image d'une poignée de main

Take advantage of the financing offered by our partner lenders with VendreViteDirect. This will enable you to take out a loan on your property and start afresh on a more solid footing.

If you’re in a precarious situation, private financing can also help you rebuild your credit without having to sell your home. This will enable you to benefit from better financing options thanks to an improved credit record and a healthier financial situation.

Our other services

Want to sell quickly? Receive an offer in just 48 hours. We buy your property as is, for cash and without complications or long delays…

We buy properties in any condition. Free yourself from the hassle of property management with a simple, fast and straightforward sale, WITHOUT COMMISION.

A strategy for keeping your property while paying off all your debts.

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