4 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

31 July 2023
4 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

You’re getting ready to put a “For Sale” sign in front of your home? Selling a house is often more difficult than anticipated, and you don’t want things to go wrong. In this article, discover 4 mistakes that you should avoid without fail when you’re selling your home.  

Setting a Price That’s Either Too High or Too Low

It’s a key step that you cannot overlook under any circumstances. Determining the price of your home shouldn’t be left to chance. You can lose out just as much by setting a price that’s too high as when you underestimate how much your home’s worth! You will lose time and money. The best way to obtain a fair estimate is to hire a certified appraiser. 

Skipping Repairs

You know that appearance matters greatly in real estate. Worn paint, roof shingles that need to be replaced and a kitchen or a bathroom that’s out of fashion: These are all details that might turn off potential buyers. Undertaking the repairs will help you sell at a fair price. 

Not Preparing for the Visits

So that your visitors want to imagine themselves living there, your house needs to be inviting. Make sure that everything is clean and tidy, and don’t forget to scent your home! The pictures you put online must also demonstrate the impeccable appearance of your house. 

Having Hidden Defects

Do you think problems in the structure or the foundations will go unnoticed? Hidden defects can cost you more than transparency. The buyer could claim the expenses or even cancel the transaction. Honesty is key!

You’re running out of time or selling your home seems like a burden? You fear that the renovation needs might turn off potential buyers? 

Immobissimo can offer you a quick sale in only 48 hours. Sell us your house in the Greater Montreal area and its surroundings! One visit, no cleaning; peace of mind guaranteed. 

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