The 60-Day Notice in Real Estate | Purchase of Properties

6 April 2023

Have you received a 60-day notice? Don’t worry: There are solutions out there for you, including our quick sale services. Learn more on the 60-day notice and the possible solutions. 

The 60-Day Notice in Real Estate, What Is it? 

The 60-day notice is considered a warning. It’s used to ask you to sort out your financial situation within 60 days. 

It’s a formal notice issued by a mortgage creditor when an individual does not meet their mortgage conditions.

Once you receive the notice, you have a two-month period to find a solution that will stabilize your financial situation and appropriately fulfill the obligations of your loan agreement. 

If you don’t find a solution, there’s a very real risk that your house might be seized. You have to start looking for a solution as soon as you receive the notice. 

The Solutions Available to You

Several solutions are available to you. The first is to make your payments late, if possible. 

Of course, that’s not always an option. If that’s the case, it might be possible to take out a second loan. A different financial institution or an individual could help you quickly stabilize your financial situation. 

Selling your property is another option worth considering. On top of allowing you to pay off your loan, selling your property should allow you to keep a part of the sale. 

You can then buy a property that’s better adapted to your needs and current budget. In fact, buying a house is considered a real estate investment. Resale is an important part of the process. 

These are only a few of the solutions that are available to you. With Immobissimo, you’ll find the real estate solution adapted to your situation. Make an online application now!

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